Monday, February 9, 2015

Who do you think you are?
What is your role in media consumption, critique and/or media making. How much of who you are is measured against media examples? How much of our common experience involves shared mass media events? How does the media fit into your life and your identity? Use several media examples to illustrate your description of your relationship to media. Your blog post must be at least 3 paragraphs and you must include at least one link and one image.

My name is Emily Godfrey, I'm a Theater Major with minors in English and Sociology.  I create media by participating in theater in multiple ways. I've been a director, stage manager, stage hand, electrician, lighting designer, and technical assistant. If anyone's unfamiliar with feminist theater, by the way, it's really fascinating, and there's more than you might think.

I was probably in college before I realized how much movies and television had shaped my ways of thinking. When I was a kid my parents limited the types of shows and movies I could watch, and when I protested that I was a mature, independent thinker (as mature and questioning as a 10-year-old can be) my mother explained that the influence of the media is not immediate, but a slow erosion. 

I thought she just didn't want me to watch Grey's Anatomy because she wanted to ruin my life and control everything. Oh, the drama. 

Then I started to realize why media representations are so important. I started to ask why there weren't more women in the movies I watched or the TV shows I liked. Why were women-driven shows and movies 'girly' or 'romcoms' or - worse - invalid? 

Attached is a photo of the cast of Once Upon a Time because I think it's one of the best feminist-friendly shows on television right now.

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