Sunday, February 8, 2015

Who Am I?

My Name is Abigail and I'm a senior at Hunter majoring in Media Studies and minoring in Music. Before I came to Hunter, I graduated from The Art Institute of NY with an AAS in Graphic Design.  I took a year off trying to find work with no luck and decided to come to hunter to get my BA in education. If it wasn't for my Media 180 class, I wouldn't have found what I truly wanted to do. My ultimate dream is to get into Public Relations and marketing/advertising in the music industry. I also eventually want to dive into some type of TV production or A&R. When I was a student at the Art Institute I interned for Sony as a graphic designer and the experience made my love for media and music grow 100 times more. 

I am more than anything else a media maker and a consumer.  Media is constantly around me and its like a small little addiction. A lot of the things I come into contact with come from social media platforms.  I learn about whats going on in the world through tumblr, through vine I discover new music and through instagram i could discover new places or products. No matter where I go or what I'm doing I am exposed to the media which in turn exposes me to some other form. To say that media does not in a way influence your life is a lie. The media is too much around us to not take it in.  From the latest fashions to the release of a new movie or TV show, I am aware.  Especially since I am a TV show and music junkie (self proclaimed of course), I am always wanting to know and discover more. Growing up I went through some tough times, being bullied and all that the media was sort of my getaway from reality.  Listening to music or watching TV (usually fantasy or sci-fi was my go to), got me through the worse times.  So I could definitely say that the media has a huge influence in my life, it may not shape who I am because my opinions and how I see things are 100% my own, but without the media I wouldn't even be aware.

In a way it kind of sucks living in a generation where the media is constantly trying to suede people to think and act a certain way. Especially for a person like me who isn't exactly what media says is acceptable. To be in a career field that mostly is dominated by men can also be very disheartening. As a woman I would have to work ten times harder just to get to where I need to be. We have to show that we are worthy in being where we are, but at the same time its exciting. To be a media producer and a woman is exciting because therefore anything and everything that should be said can be. I want my work to inspire people especially young girls who feel that they are not enough, just because the media may tell them so. 

As of late and because of my media 160 class I've gotten super interested in video production.  Though all I've ever done has been still imagery, the thought and the possibilities of working with video is endless. Its a whole new platform for me to work in. A whole new way to get new inspiration out there no matter how small. 

Two links to my media works, mostly graphic design:
-  (From 2009-2011)

From my media 150 class last semester (2014)

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