Monday, April 27, 2015

Yentyl directed by Barbra Streisand

Image result for yentl

Yentyl, a film starring and directed by Barbra Streisand goes into depth of the struggle for a woman to achieve the same degree of education as a man during her given time and place under the circumstances of being a Jewish woman, it was quite difficult. Streisand addresses the issue of women inferiority in a comedy, whose narrative both passes the Bechdel test and suggests the partialness of such compromised laws through which Streisand's only means of pursuing a profession otherwise disregarded to her is to break social rules and lie about one's gender identity. The ridiculousness of Streisand's role and her choice of directing this type of narrative are both statements of awaiting change to resolve through a medium Streisand chooses for its empowering solidity. "That's why I like making movies, too, because it lasts," says Barbra Streisand.

"Less than 6 percent of women are directing films today, and that was (the same as) in the time I did "Yentl," says Streisand.  Streisand remarks that if it was not for her acclaimed talents as a singer, she too would be grouped among the majority of women who receive 77 cents to the dollar that men receive in the same line of work.  

Image result for barbra streisand youngImage result for yentl
Streisand is a role model for women as she participates and brings attention to concepts deemed often indifferently that treat women like second-class citizens.  Since she has a voice, it is wonderful that she takes the role of a spokesman for women that are not treated equally even in groups that involve medical research to name one example.  Streisand plays the role of a man, despite her renowned image, a remarkably beautiful woman, telling a story that exemplifies the beauty based on the truth, "anything is possible," in which her aspirations surpass her limitations to attain the same treatment as a man does to engage his mind and build his professional society-dictated role. 

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