Monday, April 20, 2015

Group 7 Presentation

In our "Alternative Media" presentation, we set out to determine who is behind the most prevalent emerging media happening right now. We asked ourselves the questions, "What is alternative media?" "Who is behind it?", and "How does this affect the way we look at ourselves in society?" Alternate media that is  decided on Instagram and Tinder, two apps especially used by young people. We explored how we found that the interactions between these apps and its users affect society and inherently project patriarchy, unwarranted judgment, and disillusioned self esteem. 

We ultimately decided that alternate media is social media. In traditional media, there is a direct mediator. For the most part, social media is a free-for-all where there is no direct editor to tell you "no". These are two examples where the user feels that they are their own liberties, yet there is still a hand guiding them along the way. While doing research, we found that all CEOs for Instagram, Facebook, and Tinder are men under the age of 40 -- creating the terms and agreements for these sites with very gray areas of censorship. 

We want to question ourselves and lead our discussions about why it is that we use alternative media and the attraction of it. There is no one telling you "no", yet if there is a photo of stretch marks, it could just one day be deleted. As a society, we should be more aware of what we post and why we post.

Mara McGuinness
Joe Chen
Gabriela Martens
Rebecca Wang

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