For many years , women have fought for their rights. Every time women takes ten steps forward, the government makes them take 20 steps back. It is bad enough that women are not seen empowering as men in politics but what make it worst is that these men are trying to have control of women’s bodies’. Starting from the way women’s appearances to their reproductive systems, men believe they should have a say. But why? Why should we have a male, who probably does not know a thing or two about a woman’s reproductive system, decided to control women’s contraceptive and abortion rights.
Women today pay a lot for contraceptives. It is a struggle for women to pay hundreds of dollars a year just to prevent pregnancy. Men do not spent as much as women for contraceptives. Some clinics offer free condoms for men men, but why can't they offer free birth control, or emergency contraceptive for females?
Not only are contraceptives for women hard to obtain, but women are also judge for taking them (especially at a young age). What men don’t understand is that the pill is not only for preventing pregnancy but it can help women’s health. So why isn’t the pill free? Media has played a big role on contraceptives for women. Instead of encouraging women to use contraceptives, they stereotype the women who do. In Roxannes Gay’s “The alienable rights of Women” she states “In certain circles, birth control is being framed as whore medicine. We are now dealing with a bizarre new morality where a woman cannot simply say in one way or another, “I’m on the pill because I like dick” . If a woman is sexually active, she is considered a whore. Media has a lot to do with this, mostly teenage shows give the stereo-type to girls that if they're using birth control, they are having sex and if they are having sex, they are whore.
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Abortion. One of the biggest controversial topics in the United States, where the politicians wants to get involve for the “sake of the fetus.” How is this possible? Why does the government have to get involved in a woman’s private matter. If a women does not want to have a child, then it should be her, and only her to decide that, not men who she has never even met. In Roxannes Gay’s “The alienable rights of Women” she states “Pregnancy is an experience that invites public intervention and forces the female body into the public discourse. In many ways, pregnancy is the least private experience of a woman's life.” Now of course physically women are
In an article I've read in the New York Times by Lynn M. Paltrow and Jeanne Flavin “Pregnant, and No Civil Right”, there are several cases where the women been charged with fetal homicide. Politicians want to enforce rights on a fetus, which means that, if for any reason a woman has a miscarriage or if the baby is born with a defect, a woman can get charged for homicide. This means, that an unborn child has more rights than women. There are several cases where if a fetus' life is in danger the mother has to do whatever she can to save it even if it can cost her her life. Reading this article stunned me, I couldn't believe that these cases existed. It is not fair how we have the government policing women's bodies, telling us that women HAVE kept babies they don't want because women are meant to be mothers. It should be the women's right to decide if they want to be mothers, if they want to have a lot of sex not the MEN that don't have vaginas.
Gay, Roxane. "The Alienable Rights of Women." Bad Feminist. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 267-79. Print.
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