Sunday, February 8, 2015

Who I think I am

My name is Mark Marban and I am a Media Studies major concentrating on journalism. My first taste of a journalistic environment was during my senior year in high school. It was a small group but through that year we were able to produce newspaper issues each month. I focused mostly on the entertainment section since it delved into most of my personal interests including movies and video games.

Same, Hulk
At first, I never considered how I could be a producer of media because I used to think that media makers were the people with the most exposure and influence. I knew that I consumed media at the rate as most people do (social media, movies, television, comic books etc.) but I never thought about how people could consume even the littlest pieces of media that I make. Any time I post a Facebook status, tweet, or reblog a Tumblr post, I am producing media at it's simplest form.

Social media is exactly what it sounds like; it is used to communicate and share experiences with other people on a common platform. It's a good way to gauge what's of importance to your friends and during events like the Super Bowl, social media becomes like a room filled with your friends and family (and a couple of strangers). However, one flaw I see with social media is also one of its strengths. Social media platforms like Facebook and Tumblr provide a space for people to express anything in any shape or form. There are people that can use these platforms to spread false information and it won't be questioned because it is their right to post anything. Despite this, I try not to come down too hard on media because I still believe that it can be used to achieve great things.

My Blog for Media 160

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