Monday, February 9, 2015

Who am I? Who are you?

Who do I think I am, it’s funny, I don’t think any of us ‘know’ who we are. I think we try to give an explanation to society’s demand of what we should be at this time in our lives regarding age, occupations, family, etc in order to please the majority versus the personal minority. So who am I? To try and answer this question I can attempt to introduce my Jewish heritage, background and current relation with my culture, my yearn for wanting to get married and have children, my name and its meaning once broken down- both Hebrew and English- the importance my family plays in my life everyday and the influence my friends don’t have on me because they choose to conform with society while I choose to stand out. Who we are can easily be based on the premise of the question, the affect that our American culture has played in our lives, how our worldly view changes everyday because of the medias constant updates.
Who we are has to be based on the actions we choose from this body we have all been given. Who I am is merely a piece of my culture and nation struggling with living in a world where the attempt at integration is at every step. What makes me, me is my breath and my surroundings; my decisions and choices based on whatever decides to influence me in that given moment based on historical background that has been ingrained into my brain. Yes I can say hi, my name is Jesika Roye Rozenberg and I’m a college student graduating studying theatre, film/media, and dance along with the study of the world because everyday we learn knew things just by waking up. Who I am cannot just be a simple question with a simple answer, what makes us who we are has to be complex because every second were changing, adapting and ultimately surviving.
Regarding ‘social media,’ I’m not its biggest advocate; I like looking at the world too much, i.e. nature and everything on this planet that has been the result of creation, to sit and find it on my computer, iPhone, iPad or whatever device seems wasteful to me. My eyes need fresh air; my body needs to move to find the world, not just my hands. Don’t get me wrong I love TV, movies, books and reading articles (I get suckered in, I’m more than glad to admit that) seeing what comes from where, what connects to what, and where people migrate too. When I try to figure out who I am on this timeline the world has proclaimed you must know who you are and what you want to do by your 20s, that’s where I refuse to answer. But I’m an actress or an actor because the truth is we, men and women, as actors can play any role when given the opportunity with a work hard ethic; so my life choices are up in the air. Who I am is now who will hire me, who will respond to me, who will influence me to greater and better work, who will bring the stories I cherish and yearn to tell the world. I won’t say whom my favorites are because films and shows change, collaboration on one project can work great for that project and different for another. But I will say the work, as an actor, I wish to succeed in.

With stars like Brie Larson in Short Term 12, Elisabeth Moss in The One I Love, and Reese Witherspoon in Wild, actresses have begun to break through the conventional roles in which we have been offered. Besides going after a book and making the projects themselves, the roles push through the beauty in which Hollywood glam was created and gnawed after. All of these roles have been monumental in my career path, even when I look on my past work and how disrespectful and male focused/dominated the films and shows were in which I “starred”, I have a change in mind. I won’t do anything to survive as an actor; I’ll do the things that make me a great actor, an actor whose goal is to reach people not because I got lucky to get this gig, because I am honored and humbled for this opportunity. As women, our work needs the extra push because society already puts us down, my work has to push through and it will push through. My personality is there to back it up, now it’s up to me in defining who I am to define myself with the world as I am part of this constant creating process in which our world, through media in all its encompassing aspects, digests on a daily basis. On a minute basis.

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