Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Who Am I? I am Mara.

My name is Mara and I am currently earning my General Media Studies degree Hunter College. My experience with media traces back as far as my memory does -- from Lion King to Instagram, each have impacted my experiences and social mapping. I remember distinctly being twelve and wanting to be a part of television in some way or another, I never quite knew doing what or how to do that. My mind changes quite a bit, but right now I am content in the idea of writing about television, specifically feminism, and how it shapes our culture. It took a few great professors and seemingly endless scholarly articles of analyzing and critiquing television and its industry to come to that temporary conclusion.

Finding media, specifically characters and plots on television, that I can easily identify with is like finding a star in the city: nearly impossible. Though, it takes the brightest ideas to shine through and really stand out. Specifically, Abbi and Ilana of Broad City, Tavi Gevinson (editor-in-chief of Rookie Mag), Amy Poehler and Meredith Walker of Smart Girls At The Party. Being able to identify with girls and women who share similar aspirations, ambitions with me ultimately inspire me to be an even more proactive person myself. 

(R) (L) Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer, creators of "Broad City". (M) Amy Poehler, Executive Producer
Source: http://www.indiewire.com/article/television/how-does-a-web-series-jump-to-tv

The reason I find it so important to have women being fairly represented in the most accessible forms of media (film, television, even YouTube videos) is to help dismantle the idea that women are simply objects in a man's world. I began to realize this more and more watching my little sister grow up. It can be an unsettling experience growing up in a world filled with social media likes and how easily that can damage self esteem that has already been broken down over time, especially puberty. I believe it is of upmost importance to remind young girls, with the tools already provided for us, their self worth to continue fighting in a patriarchal society.

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